This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for August 12, 2024

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for August 12, 2024

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College classes are beginning to bring students to campus for the Fall 2024 term.  While the FAFSA Debacle is still out there, I am sensing some last-minute scrambling by both students and colleges to get the FAFSA app submitted and processed.

I am going to stick with my forecast of 2-3 colleges closings per week starting later this Fall.  The FAFSA Debacle is part of that, but the overall trend of cutback and layoffs really suggests the end is near for many more private colleges.

There will also be a tipping point sometime in the next few months – it may have already started happening.  Students and Families may have sensed the risks of smaller private colleges and are moving toward publics.  I haven’t really seen the data yet to confirm that, but it could start happening as colleges release their official Fall enrollment numbers in September.

This week’s headlines:

+ UW-Milwaukee Faculty Senate rebuffs plan to lay off branch campus professors

+ The A P is joining me and noting the cutbacks and layoffs trend.  I am pleased that many months into the process and my regular reporting on those layoffs and cutbacks that another major news organization is following my lead.

+ UArts is in danger of becoming a TWICV frequent flyer.  Details to follow.

 +Keystone College and Middles States are coming together to recreate the Keystone Cops.  This one earns a TWICV ‘Geesh.  Lots more on that.

+ Frequent TWICV flyer WIU lays of 35 and won’t say how many more will follow.

+ I have a story on a Lazy reporter from USA Today – sending students and parents on a data adventure few are prepared to do.

College Viability series of Apps

2024 Private College Viability app for Executive Analysis
2024 Private College Viability app for Faculty & Staff (Enterprise-wide license for $200)
Faculty & Staff version (Enterprise-wide license for $200)