Transformation Collaborative:  Wallace Pond and Tony Bieda for February 2, 2024

Transformation Collaborative: Wallace Pond and Tony Bieda for February 2, 2024

Welcome to a special episode of This Week in College Viability. We're going to be talking with a couple of gentlemen who lead the Transformation Collaborative.

Wallace Pond and Anthony (Tony) Bieda are my guests.  Their organization is rethinking the whole consultancy model itself, plus rethinking the how we bring value in the higher education space, what would that look like?

During our discussion, some of the questions I ask are:

1. What happens to higher education in the next 1-5 years?
2. If faculty can't adapt, can the higher education industry be reasonably expected to adjust to changing market conditions?
3. Do they see more and more families moving to the relative safety of public colleges over private colleges.  (Note:  they make an interesting observation about regional public colleges.)