This Week In College Viability (TWICV) Special with Thom Chesney June 25, 2024

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) Special with Thom Chesney June 25, 2024

If you bring Thom Chesney onto your podcast, you get to ask some aggressive questions.

Here are some Dr. Chesney addressed:
  1. What is on the minds of private college governing boards?

  2. Will the 'one-college-closure-per-week' trend continue?

  3. Why do so few people seem to know the most important information about a college's future prospects?

  4. When will we hit the 'tipping point' when students and their families worry en masse about private colleges?

  5. I also do a speed round with Thom.
    1. FAFSA Debacle:  Best case scenario?  Worst case?
    2. Will there be a federal bailout of colleges?
    3. Should colleges be required to post quarterly financial statements - just like many other businesses
    4. Are accrediting agencies anything more than i-dotters and t-crossers?
    5. Pick one state you would send you child to college in?