This Week In College Viability (TWICV) Special with Jay Keehn:  Union Institute and University Closes

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) Special with Jay Keehn: Union Institute and University Closes

It's not often we get to look inside a college closure.  Jay Keehn lived it at Union Institute and University.

Dr. Keehn was at Union Institute and University fro 18 years until he left in 2023.  Like Jonathon Nichols with his book Requiem for a College and his experience at the closure of St. Joseph's College (IN), Jay Keehn takes us through the chronic mis-information shared at Union Institute and University.  He also shares the value of hindsight and what current faculty and staff should be on the lookout for.

The lessons from Union Institute and University are the same as from St. Joseph's. Faculty and staff cannot rely on their administration for timely and accurate financial health and viability information.

I created the College Viability App for Faculty and Staff to provide that information and enable comparisons of almost 1,300 private colleges in the U.S.  Click here to download the 2024 College Viability App for Faculty and Staff.  Purchase it before August 1, 2023 and receive a license for your entire faculty and staff to use the app.