TWICV for July 22 2024

TWICV for July 22 2024

Here are the lead news and commentary stories for July 22, 2024

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Layoffs, cutbacks, closures & FAFSA check ins.  Folks it is going to be 10-11% decrease in enrollment.  Not everywhere, but it will be in colleges that cant’ afford to lose anything like that number of students.
+ HLGU (MO) has a dizzy spinning story that I will dissect with data.
+  Colleges are just link Kohl’s – the retail outlet
+ U of Memphis is confused about selectivity and enrollment.
+ Don’t tick off your nursing faculty.  President at Dickinson State U in ND did.  Listen to where he is now.

College Viability series of Apps

2024 Private College Viability app for Executive Analysis
Faculty & Staff version (Enterprise-wide license for $300)