This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for February 5, 2024

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for February 5, 2024

This week's podcast episode has news and commentary on:
  1. Top heavy Cornell
  2. The FAFSA delay
  3. Spin. Spin. Spin.  This time I will drill through the laughable spin that SIU Carbondale is putting on its Spring 2024 enrollment.
  4. Spin. Spin. Spin.  Take 2:   Sarasota Spring (NY)
    NOTE:  I will 'go to the data' for both.
  5. UConn has good basketball programs, but serious budget issues.
  6. Possible book title:  How NOT to run a college in the 21st century.  (Webster University)
  7. What would an episode of TWICV be without a story about Birmingham Southern College.  This time we drill down on their president’s ChatGPT-generated responses to questions from the Birmingham Business Journal.