TWICV for Aug 28 2024 with Ben Unglesbee from Higher Ed Dive

TWICV for Aug 28 2024 with Ben Unglesbee from Higher Ed Dive

Here are the questions Ben Unglesbee addressed during our podcast interview.
  1. With all of the research and report you do, what is your sense of the stability of private colleges for this academic year?

  2. Let's talk about the FAFSA Debacle.  What is the latest you are hearing?  Do you have any best-case and worst-case scenarios for this Fall?

  3. You did a lot of reporting on University of the Arts.  Talk about that story. 

  4. The culture of college searches has always been focused on the campus, the majors, the tuition, maybe the faculty, amenities etc.  From your reporting when might we reach a tipping point where the higher education consumer has a earlier focus on financial health and viability.

  5. Recently there has been an increase in the number of short-notice closures  (UArts, Wells, and others).  What are you hearing from students and their families as you report on these closures?  Based on the stories you have done, do you expect there to be more short-notice closures or closures where the college gives about one year's notice?

  6. I am guessing you have to fight your way through a lot of college spin.  Has it always been that way or are the new pressures on colleges forcing them to be less direct with their communications?