This Week in College Viability (TWICV) for September 28, 2023

This Week in College Viability (TWICV) for September 28, 2023

This episode includes discussions on 
  1. The student fiduciary
  2. Worry about Columbia College in Chicago
  3. New VP Enrollment at Millikin U (IL)  (comes from the recently closed Iowa Wesleyan University)
  4. Financial exigency
  5. The IWU garage and rummage sale - coming to a college near you.
  6. Whoa is me impact of student load repayment on college enrollment
  7. New book:  'Whatever it is. I'm against it'  by President Emeritus Brian Rosenberg of Macalaster College (MN)
  8. Australia wants to 'just pass everyone'
  9. Kansas is a messas
  10. Miami U (OH) cuts 17 low-enrollment programs.  Good for them.
Do you want access to the 2023 College Viability app for your organization or family?   Here are the links.

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