This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for November 6, 2023 - BSC, Fitch ratings, too many computer science students and more

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for November 6, 2023 - BSC, Fitch ratings, too many computer science students and more

November 6 TWICV Gary Stocker - your host and college quality assurance coach.  Providing a perspective on the financial health and viability of colleges in the U.S.  ---- Respectfully asking to be your College Fiduciary.

Stories:  (Links below.) Even private colleges can get ratings from Fitch ratings, Too many computer science majors, where is tuition pricing power headed, Birmingham Southern can’t stay out of the news, 11 colleges officially hit the panic button by releasing the ‘College is Worth It’ campaign, what is an Allied Health degree?, and finally, Gary’s College Press release critical thinking mini-course.

Story Show Note Links:

Fitch Affirms and Withdraws College of Saint Rose's (NY) 'BB' Ratings

Universities Can’t Accommodate All the Computer Science Majors

Pricing power has evaporated   - Rick Seltzer at Chronicle in his Daily Briefing of 11-2-23

Birmingham-Southern College president shares "new potential sources of funding" after loan rejected

Illinois public universities see continued upward trend in freshmen enrollment

‘College is Worth it’ by led by the National Association of System Heads, includes 11 public higher education systems