This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for Nov. 13, 2023 Grad rate teases, marketing or gimics?, Leadership 'atta-boys'

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for Nov. 13, 2023 Grad rate teases, marketing or gimics?, Leadership 'atta-boys'

We talk about the deplorable state of graduation rates in American Colleges.

My friend, Kate Colbert offers these analogies:

"Buy this car. There's a 50% chance it won't even run 4 years from now."

"Just $1,100 for the new iPhone. No warranty. If it arrives dysfunctional, try rebooting it for 4 years and then we'll tell you we're sorry it didn't work out."

"Spent $250,000 on a house and paid your insurance premiums and then it burned down? Oh, yeah -- sorry about that. Nothing we can do. Maybe homeownership just wasn't for you. It isn't for everyone. I'm sure it made you feel more well-rounded while it lasted, though. And that's a priceless investment."

The   College Viability Manifesto

  1. College is good. Really good.  Go if you can.
  2. Graduation is better.
  3. Some colleges will not survive.  Many will.
  4. Only consider colleges in comparatively good financial health
  5. Your FAFSA tell colleges about your finances.  The College Viability App show you theirs.
  6. Enrollment trends matter. Graduation rates matter even more.
  7. Popularity indicators are important.
  8. Closing colleges will cost you A LOT of money. 
  9. Support higher education in the United States. It makes a difference in lives.