This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for June 17, 2024

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for June 17, 2024

We are entering the hot weather season  -- and the really hot seat season for colleges. There is increasing anecdotal evidence that the FAFSA debacle will cause much trauma this Fall and Spring.  I am starting to see a small number of colleges take what I am going to call ‘proactive layoffs and cutbacks’.

This week:

+ Philadelphia’s University of the Arts is taking some real heat for its really short-notice closure announcement

+ A reporter it Topeka KS demonstrates, again, how USNWR data can be grossly misrepresenting.

+ Two stories about vocational and entrepreneurial trends replacing traditional college

+ June 21st panel podcast on FAFSA and federal bailout

Show notes:

College Viability series of Apps

2024 Private College Viability app for Executive Analysis