This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for December 26, 2023

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for December 26, 2023

Many thanks to the increasing number of folks listening to and downloading the podcast. I am grateful.

Here are the stories and commentary for the final 2023 'This Week in College Viability (TWICV)' podcast.
1.       Public flagships are both booming and flailing
2.       Buch of stuff on more small college struggles
3.       MSU BOT pledges to not interfere with new president. . . Yes, and Santa comes down all of our chimneys in one night.
4.       A story on college facilities:  What are the risks of a catastrophe?
5.       Pets on campus at Ferris state
6.       Young Workers Still Benefit from a College Degree

Why do I do this podcast?  There is no joy in chronicling a crashing industry.  Yet, there remain millions of students in colleges and there always will be.  It is those colleges whose last dollar is circling the financial drain that are hurting this nation and too many of its students.  

Higher education will continue with a smaller number of colleges and a smaller number of degrees and majors.  

My role is to lovingly point out the business and economic dilemma that higher education faces.  Do I do it with sarcasm and ridicule.  Guilty.  I believe that my counter-perspective is having an impact on the market.  Students and parents are becoming more aware of the risks of choosing financially-challenged colleges.

I am right that there will be massive consolidation.  I just don’t know what that time frame will be.

Show note story links:
The Latest Program and Job Cuts from IHE

Most Public Flagships Are Booming. Why Are a Handful Flailing?

As Manhattan College Restructures, Tenured-Faculty Jobs Hang in the Balance

Columbia College adjunct faculty strike leaves students in limbo

With Small Schools Struggling, Notre Dame College's Future in Flux

MSU board pledges to not interfere in new president’s administration

State of Facilities in Higher Education (2023)

What does the future hold for Northeast Ohio's small private colleges and universities?


Ferris State University to allow students to live with pets on campus

Don’t Believe the Doubters: Young Workers Still Benefit from a College Degree

The College Viability Manifesto

2023 College Viability  Product links
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