This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for December 11, 2023

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for December 11, 2023

It is 2 weeks before Christmas and there is no change in the news coming out of higher education.  The news continues to be less than merry and bright for many, many colleges in our country.

  • The December 11, 2023 podcast includes much on The College of St. Rose (Albany NY)  Here is why:  It is the triad of closures.  First, the sudden closure.  Second, students, faculty and the community protest.  3rd – The college rationalizes their short-notice decision to close.
  • We have the Cutbacks and Layoffs list
  • Chronicle:  Beckie Supiano, senior writer, and Megan Zahneis, share a story about college in 2023 that resonates with many
  • Fitch says bad things but Moody says good things about HE in 2024
  • And much more to entertain and inform you about HE in December 2023.
Show Note links:

Missouri's Park University undergoing changes amid sharp enrollment drop

Facing a $6.2 million budget shortfall, Saint Martin’s rolls back raises. Faculty aren’t happy

Christian Brothers University announces multiple faculty cuts, eliminates a dozen programs

The College of Saint Rose closes, sparking uproar from community

Saint Rose students protest college closure, demand answers

Merger proposals fell through trying to save Saint Rose, County eyes potential future of property

Alabama’s higher education enrollment still below pre-pandemic peaks, says state commission

St. Augustine’s University president fired after school loses accreditation

Fresno Pacific graduate fears the university is headed toward bankruptcy | Opinion

Stephens College promise program offers free tuition to qualifying students