This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for August 19, 2024

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for August 19, 2024

If you think colleges are having troubles, here in St. Louis we can’t even get the city kids to school.  The great St. Louis bus catastrophe kicks off today.  My friend, Blythe Bernhard at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has done Pulitzer-worthy investigative stories on the colossal failure that is SLPS leadership.  It’s not the kids, not the families, not the employees – it’s the school board and its hired – and now ousted leaders.

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This week:  

+ Colleges Are Wed to the Status Quo – an interesting story from the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal  

+  The Chicago Tribune (editorial) piles on to the WIU cutbacks and layoffs.

+  Wittenberg University is playing hide ‘n seek with information on its layoffs and cutbacks.
 +   Are we really on pace for 25% of colleges to close or consolidate?  Michael Horn thinks we are.

+ Low-end, local news media takes a small private college’s enrollment numbers without checking.  I even provided evidence the numbers weren’t correct. 

+  Are students bailing on privates to go to financially safer publics?  I have speculated on that.  I have some limited anecdotal evidence that might be the case.

College Viability series of Apps

2024 Private College Viability app for Executive Analysis
Faculty & Staff version (Enterprise-wide license for $200)