This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for April 1, 2024

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for April 1, 2024

This Week in College Viability for April 1, 2024

1.      Layoffs Cutbacks and Closures
2.      Faculty power under pressure in KY
3.      St. Martin’s WA on the watch
4.      Bluffton / U Findlay merger:  not enough
5.      West Conn. U:  Pom Poms from the president
6.      Lesley U faculty is really good at no-confidence votes – Now if they could only graduate more than 50% of their students
7.      Financial statements:  Are they hiding information from us.
 And more ............

Show Note Links:

Oak Point University announces imminent closure of Oak Brook, Chicago campuses

Northland employees and alumni seek more time to raise funds as college faces closure

University of Kentucky President Proposes to Strip Faculty Body’s Power

‘It just breaks my heart’: Parent of Birmingham-Southern student-athlete reacts to school closing

‘Dire’ financial issues behind potential cuts, says St. Martin's University (WA) president

WestConn president vows to grow university, not just survive budget deficit

A Third Vote of No Confidence at Lesley University     

Making College Mergers Easier in New York

St. Norbert College students stage walkout, protesting recent cuts

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