This Week In College Viability (TWICV)  for Dec 7, 2023 - Chuck Ambrose 'Colleges on the Brink'

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for Dec 7, 2023 - Chuck Ambrose 'Colleges on the Brink'

Dr. Chuck Ambrose, co-author with Michael Nietzel of 'Colleges on the Brink" is a formidable college leader.  He shares his perspective on decades in higher education to characterize the current state of higher education and to detail the work he and Mr. Nietzel did in providing substantive guidance to college leaders facing the financial, enrollment, outcome challenges and more.

In particular, Ambrose and Nietzel address how colleges on the brink of financial distress and even closure can use something called financial exigency to their advantage to recover and prosper.

Here is a link to order / pre-order "Colleges on the Brink".

From Amazon:
Colleges on the Brink is about the financial crises many colleges are facing in the post-pandemic era and how they can be resolved. The tools described require changing how colleges spend money while still maintaining core academic values. Ambrose and Nietzel discuss the conditions involving financial exigency and other major budget overhauls, and they outline how to maximize the likelihood institutions can regain financial health. The challenge these colleges face is to come back from the brink and become leaner, financially stable institutions, ready to provide the education students need.