This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for September 18, 2023 Lieber, Wartburg

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for September 18, 2023 Lieber, Wartburg

My name is Gary Stocker, and we continue today on our journey to inform college students and their families and faculty and staff and many others about what is really going on inside higher education. Of course, the focus is on college finances and viability, but we also try to shine the light. on the many transparency issues or lack of transparency from college leaders for both public and private colleges. Going to start off today with an article from New York Times Magazine.

Show note links:
Tulane featured in New York Times Magazine article about declining male college enrollmentBy KASEY BUBNASH at 9-12----
There Was Definitely a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys’
Susan Dominus from the NYT----
Some universities’ response to budget woes: Making faculty teach more coursesJON MARCUS APR 2021 (Hechinger Report)----
U.S. News’ Rankings Not the ‘Behemoth’ Perceived 9-13 Jessica Blake----Ron Lieber NYT “The Price You Pay for College”
Link to online course on how to get more merit aid.----
Wartburg College to reduce tuition by 45%, boost aid for students The WCF Courier----
More belt-tightening ahead for UP (Univ of Portland)The Beacon ( student site) by Riley Martinez