This Week In College Viability (TWICV)  for August 20, 2023:  3 Iowa colleges in Dubuque newspaper

This Week In College Viability (TWICV) for August 20, 2023: 3 Iowa colleges in Dubuque newspaper

Elizabeth Kelsey's Dubuque TelegraphHearld article: Leaders of local private colleges determined despite anticipated challenges is thorough enough reporting. Yet she falls into the PR trap that most regional reporters do. She doesn't challenge the company line from colleges she is reporting on.Here are three areas I have written about previously that appear in this article

.Fallacy 1: New programs will save us. It won't happen in almost all cases. We are not looking for 'couch money'. These colleges need materially significant new, net revenue. New programs only guarantee start up costs and years of effort before a small percentage might materially contribute.

Fallacy 2: We are unique. Nope. The competitors for these three colleges are engaged in very similar activities to try and grow their market share and net revenue. A college degree is a commodity. Some are certainly more valuable than others; but it is safe to argue that the fastest, least expensive route will prevail.

Fallacy 3: "Let's not share any actual data with reporters. They aren't that smart." The discussion about reporters and intellect is for another day. Certainly, these stories play well locally. That is why reporters write them. However, College Viability is only one of many higher ed data entreprenuers working to improve the transparency of college finances and viability. The data in this story was predominantly based on hopeful numbers somewhere in the future. The actual data paints a much different picture than these college leaders choose to share